Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Curious about WS-Addressing

I'm plowing through the mountain of standards relating to web services. One that is interesting to me and that I'm kind of on the fence on is WS-Addressing. I am curious to what others think about this. I can see some of benefits especially the address (endpoint) and reply-to parts. But I can also see increasing the complexity for the developers by requiring them to know a lot more about the implementation than they had with just a simple URL.

Without WS-Addressing, the developers just implemented their web services consumer with the provided WSDL which basically was just manipulating objects in their native format (Pretty easy stuff assuming you are using Doc/Literal). With WS-Addressing they would be required to populate the header of the SOAP message. This is not contained within the WSDL. It does requires more in-depth understanding of the SOAP message structure. Of course I guess that they will have to learn sooner or later based upon the other WS-I standards coming out. Either that or run away screaming, kind of like J2EE.

I'm wondering from a practical (not purist) standpoint if implementation based upon some other method is not better? What does everyone think? WS-Addressing the way to go? Or is it too much added on to the developer? By the way I use an intermediary or middleware layer as the entry point, I don't allow point-to-point connections or interfaces.


fuzzy said...


The reply to is neat in the sense that you don't have to poll I guess.

But it is all just too complext IMHO.

And WS-Addressing is one of the easy ones.

Do let us know when you have completed all of them (via Brenda Michelson

Mark Griffin said...

Yep I plan to have all 432 of them implemented by the end of the month.

I think you are correct about the complexity. I am seeing a lot of the just average developer (which makes up a lot of the corporate IT shop) struggling with just the basic Web Services concepts. Even though basic web services are pretty straight forward, implementing them correctly is not, contrary to popular belief. I am finding web services to be useful within our space. But we have kept it very simple.